WSSD:2013 |
Robert Wille, Eleonora Schönborn, Mathias Soeken, and Rolf Drechsler: SyReC: A Hardware Description Language for the Specification and Synthesis of Reversible Circuits.
submitted, 2013 Bib-TeX
WSG+:2011 |
Robert Wille, Mathias Soeken, Daniel Große, Eleonora Schönborn, Rolf Drechsler: Designing a RISC CPU in Reversible Logic.
Int\'l Symp. on Multi-Valued Logic, 2011 Bib-TeX
SZSS:2010 |
M. Saeedi, M. S. Zamani, M. Sedighi, Z. Sasanian: Synthesis of Reversible Circuit Using Cycle-Based Approach.
ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 2010 Bib-TeX
SWD:2010 |
M. Soeken, R. Wille, R. Drechsler: Hierarchical synthesis of reversible circuits using positive and negative Davio decomposition.
International Design & Test Workshop, 2010 Bib-TeX
WOD:2010 |
Robert Wille, Sebastian Offermann, Rolf Drechsler: SyReC: A Programming Language for Synthesis of Reversible Circuits.
Forum on specification & Design Languages, 2010 Download - Bib-TeX
WD:2009 |
R. Wille, R. Drechsler: BDD-based synthesis of reversible logic for large functions.
Design Automation Conf., 2009 Download - Bib-TeX
GWDD:2008 |
Daniel Große, Robert Wille, Gerhard W. Dueck, Rolf Drechsler: Exact Synthesis of Elementary Quantum Gate Circuits for Reversible Functions with Don't Cares.
Int'l Symp. on Multi-Valued Logic, 2008 Download - Bib-TeX
WLDG:2008 |
Robert Wille, Hoang M. Le, Gerhard W. Dueck, Daniel Große: Quantified Synthesis of Reversible Logic.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008 Download - Bib-TeX
Sae:2008 |
M. Saeedi: QDA Reversible Benchmarks., 2008 Bib-TeX
WG:2007 |
Robert Wille, Daniel Große: Fast Exact Toffoli Network Synthesis of Reversible Logic.
Int'l Conf. on CAD, 2007 Download - Bib-TeX
FTR:2007 |
K. Fazel, M.A. Thornton, J.E. Rice: ESOP-based Toffoli Gate Cascade Generation.
Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, 2007 Bib-TeX
GAJ:2006 |
P. Gupta, A. Agrawal, N.K. Jha: An algorithm for synthesis of reversible logic circuits.
IEEE Trans. on CAD, 2006 Bib-TeX
MDS:2005 |
Dmitri Maslov, Gerhard W. Dueck, Nathan Scott: Reversible Logic Synthesis Benchmarks Page., 2005 Bib-TeX
MDM:2005 |
Dmitri Maslov, Gerhard W. Dueck, D. Michael Miller: Toffoli network synthesis with templates.
IEEE Trans. on CAD, 2005 Bib-TeX
MMD:2003 |
D. Michael Miller, Dmitri Maslov, Gerhard W. Dueck: A Transformation Based Algorithm for Reversible Logic Synthesis.
Design Automation Conference, 2003 Bib-TeX
Mil:2002 |
D. M. Miller: Spectral and Two-Place Decomposition Techniques in Reversible Logic.
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002 Bib-TeX
BLSW:1999 |
Beate Bollig, Martin Löbbing, Martin Sauerhoff, Ingo Wegener: On The Complexity of the Hidden Weighted Bit Function for Various BDD Models.
Informatique Theorique et Applications, 1999 Bib-TeX
BBC+:99 |
A. Barenco, C. H. Bennett, R. Cleve, D. P. DiVinchenzo, N. Margolus, P. Shor, T. Sleator, J. A. Smolin, H. Weinfurter: Elementary Gates for Quantum Computation.
APS Physical Review A, 1995 Bib-TeX
Per:85 |
A. Peres: Reversible logic and quantum computers.
APS Physical Review A, 1985 Bib-TeX
FT:82 |
E. F. Fredkin, T. Toffoli: Conservative Logic.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 1982 Bib-TeX
Tof:80 |
T. Toffoli: Reversible Computing.
Automata, Languages and Programming, 1980 Bib-TeX